The Celts
came to the British Isles from Europe about 2,700 years ago. They lived in
tribes and became known as Britons. They lived in round houses grouped in small
villages, but then they built towns that became trading centres.
55 BC
Caesar invaded Britain in 55 BC. But Emperor Claudius conquered it and made
Britain part of the Roman Empire a hundred years later. The. Romans built
important towns such as London, Bath and York. They also built long straight
roads. Latin, the Roman language, is the basis of many English words today.
c. 400 AD
The Anglo-Saxons
came from Germany across the see and began to settle in Britain. They were
farmers and lived in small villages along the banks of the rivers. One of their
kings was King Alfred (871-899).
789 AD
Between 789
and 899 the Vikings came in wooden ships from Scandinavia. They attacked the
north and east coasts of Britain, settling in many areas. They made Jorvick
(York) their capital. Their greatest Saxon adversary was King Alfred.
1066 AD
In 1066, William,
Duke of Normandy, defeated the Saxons at the battle of Hastings and was crowned
King William I. The English did not want a Norman king and there were many
revolts. King William gave land to French barons to build their castles. In
1086 the King sent officials to ask questions and write information in a book
called the Domesday Book. It was the first census!
11th – 15th
During the
Middle Ages a series of ten different kings and their barons ruled England. They
were rich and powerful, while most people who lived in the country were very
poor. Towns like Bristol and Norwich grew up as trading centres. Many
monasteries were built. The universities of Oxford and Cambridge were started.
The Plague killed about one third of e population (1347-50).
1485 – 1603 The Tudors

1603 – 1714 The Stuarts
From 1613
to 1714 the Stuarts of Scotland ruled Britain. They brought great changes and
in 1707 England, Wales and Scotland became one country called Great Britain.
James I was king when Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605.
His son Charles I was king in 1642 when a Civil War began between the king’s supporters
(the Cavaliers) and Parliament (the Roundheads, led by Oliver Cromwell).
Charles was beheaded in 1649, and England then became a republic for eleven years.
In 1666 there was a terrible fire in London which destroyed 80 per cent of its
The Georgians – 1714 to 1837
In the Georgian
period the four king who ruled Britain were all called George. British prime
ministers became more powerful while the king became less important. Britain was
at war for about one third of the period. Most of the wars were against France.
At Trafalgar, Lord Nelson sank most of Napoleon’s ships and Napoleon’s soldiers
were beaten by Wellington at Waterloo.
changed with the start of the Industrial Revolution. Before, most work was done
by hand. But during this period, the invention of new machines transformed
Britain into the leading industrialized country in the world.
Victorian Times – 1837 to 1901
In 1837 the
eighteen-year-old Queen Victoria came to the throne. During her 64-year reign she
built up an enormous empire that included Australia, India Canada and many
African nations. It was a time of emigration from Britain and many Scots and
Irish people went to America.
became very rich, but not all the British lived a happy life. Hours of work
were long and workers had very poor living and working conditions – many young
children and women had to work in coal mines and factories.
schools were built. In 1870 Parliament insisted that every child must go to
school from the age of five to thirteen, and that parents must pay a little of
the cost. Classes of 60-80 children had one teacher and the lessons were usually
religion, reading, writing and arithmetic.
Present day
In our
century Britain has seen many events. First there was World War I. Then came
the Great Depression in the 1930s. This was a bad time, when there was high unemployment.
Many families were poor, and there was rationing, even of bread and potatoes.
World War II began in 1939 and went on until 1945. Britain fought as a member of the Allied Forces.
Since 1945
there have been a lot of changes including the introduction of important social
reforms, a decline in industry, the loss of the colonies, and Britain’s transformation
into a multi-racial society, as people
came from countries such as India Pakistan, the West Indies, etc.
immigrants are now British citizens with second and third generation families,
often with their own religions and cultures.
Britain is
also a trading partner of European nations. In 1971 it became a member of the
EEC. The Channel Tunnel has been built to help trade with other members of the
EC, now known as the EU (from 1973 to 2016 Brexit).
Excursion, an old Italian book.
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