Jul 21, 2016

South Est Railways: the real troubles come after road accidents

     The driving school manuals recommend to drive appropriately to the characteristics of the vehicles and the road conditions and traffic by taking the precautions dictated by common sense and showing strong civic sense. But sometimes the inevitable happens. 
South Est Railways road accidents
     Off the car, it sets in motion a perverse mechanism known and inevitable. The involved people in the mildest sinister leave the scene, but they finance any act, and enter in the field new characters, insurers, loss adjusters and body shop mechanics. As defenders, midfielders and attackers, they pass the ball themselves, indeed the numeric digits with a lightness that doesn’t suit to the sum of monies. Numbers are inflated and there is no stop to this habit. Often it seems that the expert/loss adjuster who, having read the vehicle, estimated the damage is in possession of the same price lists of bodywork mechanics with astronomical prices for repair abrasions, and not deep scrapes or dents (it spoke in a service of the italian show "Le Iene/The Hyenas"). Insurers provide compensation for damages, within the maximum, and then inflict their deadly blow in the policy rates. From body shop mechanic, more and more like a goldsmith, went few people. When accidents cause only property damages, you can take advantage of the form of an accident and friendly report prepared by the two drivers involved in order to make a complaint to the insurance. The module expected to be realized sketch illustrating the dynamic impact. There is always in some left any left individual who seeks to take advantage by declaring dynamics and attributions of blame that deviate from reality. This is the case of collisions occurred against the blue bus of the South Est Railways. Stay away from them because if your car were to collide with one of them, in spite of the accident and friendly report and the consolidated involvement liability (Article 2054, clause 2 of the Italian Civil Code), they declare that thay has received damages greater extent than those actually caused. The abrasions become dents. In addition they award sole responsibility for what happened to the small drivers. The compensation claim that they send will be accompanied by descriptions that don’t respect the logic of the trajectories and the mechanic principles, branch of physics that studies the movement. South Est Railways, let’s make sure that the blue Pacific, like the ocean, recalls the beauty of the waters and not the depth able to swallow the human honesty. 
     Source: “La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno”, an italian newspaper, Friday, May 18, 2012, p. 24.

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