A recent event
such as the news of Umberto Bossi resignation from Northern League will invoke
a remote one as the controversial phrase uttered in a diplomatic memorandum on
August 2, 1847 by Klemens von Metternich: "Italy is a geographical
expression". The historical context proves to be enlightening, in fact the
years that were flowed into 1848 coincide with the national revolutions. The Restoration
period began in 1815 with the Congress of Vienna aims to establish a social and
political order based on that existing before the French Revolution. The
Austrian statesman Metternich watched a divided Italy on which would be easier
to exercise the Austrian influence. Who read between the lines of "The
Battle", dictionary of the Italian language, can see how that phrase is
used to describe a nation that hasn’t yet achieved political unity. But now
Italy what is it? Has become of expression of what? And how long we don’t hear
more news that could be called political rather than relating to the politicians
private lives? Bossi hoped for fiscal federalism in the country and to get the
popular support has leveraged on the area in which we are weaker, Italian
language, proposing the idea that each school is teaching the regional dialect.
While he entertained us and mesmerized us was dedicated to the unification of
money within a file with the heading "The Family". It seems almost a
mitigating factor because his operations were aimed at the welfare of the
fundamental cell of society, the family, his family. We disclaim, so the claim
that Italy invests little on family policies because Bossi isn’t the first to
"borrow" some money for the final exams of his son Renzo, jumped to the
headlines in 2008, or however, to guarantee his family a decent standard of
living. It’s almost creepy the sequence of images aimed at documenting the
professional climb of Umberto Bossi, but under those lights and flash there
were already gray areas that have become increasingly bleak and we can’t really
say that the social top was been reached with sacrifices. Only some Italians
have close encounters of the third kind with the concept of sacrifice and pay
for the vices of the arrogant and powerful. I conclude with a new maximum,
emblem of the period of the cuts even on syllables: Italy is a peninsula, but a
Source: "La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno", an italian
newspaper, April 8, 2012, p. 20.
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